Thursday, October 23, 2008

Vienna tour

Today we got up after trying to catch up on badly needed sleep, and headed for the old part of Vienna. We soon discovered that Vienna has the old feel as well as the more modern touch. I know what they meant when they said it was like the 70s because some of the features of our neighborhood where we are staying do remind me of the old days. The hardware stores, for example, feel like old hardware stores where one could buy any number of items that you just cannot get anymore at our huge places like Home Depot. It is as if time sorta passed them by here and they were able to hold onto what really matters.
We had a wonderful time running around Vienna and looking at the old cathedrals and especially seeing the very ferris wheel where Harry Lime met up with Holly Martens in Orson Wells' The Third Man...a classic film indeed. Our tour guide was absolutely the BEST and guess what? He is marrying my daughter!!! Now, I have a question for you. Who is the man in the poster that I am attaching? Hint: a famous musician who lived in Vienna and was actually from Salzburg? Also, can you tell me how many Euros I will get when I cash in 50.00???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the plane info, you wouldn't think to look at it that it held so many people! That's cool! Would love to fly one with you all someday. Anyone homesick yet. Get some sleep tonight and enjoy the great celebration tomorrow! We'll be following you!